SuperSense Portal

Fast & reliable real-time data

Meet SuperSense Portal

SuperSense Portal - our new integrated web monitoring solution to keep an eye on SuperSense sensors remotely.

Whenever you are - at home, in the trip, in office - you can check state of your sensors just follows link you've created and shared.

Types of supported devices by Portal:

  • SuperSense Fill Level sensors
  • SuperSense Tire Pressure sensors

When a sensor reports changes to the mobile application then updated data are instantly shown on SuperSense Portal. SuperSense mobile app user can manage shared links as in application as in Portal.

Setup mobile application to manage sensors remotely

To use remote access to SuperSense sensors on Portal you should complete several simple steps in mobile app:

Step 1

Connect your SuperSense sensors in app via Bluetooth

Step 2

Go to the menu and tap on 'Share Sensors' option

Step 3

Share the link in messenger or copy path to open it in a browser

Key features

  • Remotely monitoring sensors via shared links

    Follow shared link in Portal - your sensor data are accessible anywhere, just be sure sensors are in Bluetooth coverage area.

  • Password protection

    Your access to SuperSense Portal is protected with user authentication. Optionally, access to the link with shared sensors can be protected with password, this keeps additional security from getting information to third parties.

  • Gathering sensors from all shared links in one place

    Login in Portal to view all your shared sensors from all links in one place.

The SuperSense mobile application

In the first instance all sensors communicate via Bluetooth with mobile application. To try remote sensors monitoring with Shared Links, please, install the SuperSense application for Android.